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Denver International Airport

Conspiracy theory or cover-up? How Karsh Hagan made the hassle and disruption of the Great Hall renovation a positive and enjoyable experience for passengers.

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How do we make the hassle and disruption of the Great Hall renovation a positive and enjoyable experience for passengers?

This isn’t your typical airport experience. We set out to create construction signage that engages, informs, and piques the interest of those who walk by. Leaning into the crazy conspiracy theories surrounding DEN, we created a whole new personality through the DEN Files.






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  • Print Magazine
  • Silver Addy

explorers of brave ideas

explorers of brave ideas

Naturally resourceful green stamp image
Airport ad featuring a cat in a tin foil hat with the question 'What Are We Creating?' by DEN Files. Lists options like more artwork space, better airport experience, and zombie cat lairs.
Airport ad from DEN Files with the question 'New Concessions? Or New Conspiracies?' Features a conspiracy board image and invites viewers to learn more at
Karsh Hagan lightning large icon
Karsh Hagan Smile Stamp Image

When we didn’t spend a penny on paid media but generated 704,739,069 impressions, valued at over $8 million. Plus, our talking gargoyle reached over 67 million people for a publicity value of over $1.9 million and was covered in 700+ new stories.

This ain't NYC stamp image
"DEN Files image featuring a green alien with a 'shushing' gesture, promoting mystery and intrigue. Includes the hashtag #DENFiles.

explorers of brave ideas

explorers of brave ideas

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"The Most Clever Ad Campaign of the Year”

Travel + Leisure

The DEN Files immediately caught traction, even being dubbed “the Most Clever Ad Campaign of the Year.”

  • 200 articles
  • 704,739,069+ impressions
  • $0 spent, $8 million earned






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  • Print Magazine
  • Silver Addy

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